Yoko Tsuno: The Comic Book Heroine Who Deserves More Attention

Every now and then I find a book or a series of books that I think should get a lot more attention (I mentioned one such series in a previous blog entry ). Recently I discovered a series of graphic novels written and illustrated by a Belgium man named Roger Leloup about a young girl named Yoko Tsuno, an engineer who gets involved in a series of adventures throughout the world. So far I've read four of these books, and have enjoyed each adventure. This is a fun series, and I found Yoko Tsuno to be a very interesting character. She's a young woman originally from Japan who eventually settled in Belgium, and continues to travel the world (and apparently in a few volumes of the series I have yet to read, into space). In addition to being competent in her profession as an electrical engineer, Yoko is also skilled in an insane number of skills, including but not limited to martial arts, swimming, scuba diving, and flying multiple types of aircraft. No matter where she ends up, ...