Donald Trump vs. Jennings Osborne (Food Edition)
I seldom ever discuss politics on my blog, and quite frankly I don't even think I'm really discussing politics in this particular post. I'm really just discussing common sense, decency, and respect. As you may be aware, earlier this month, Clemson University football players were invited to the White House after becoming national champions. Now, one would think that the President of the United States would gather together the best chefs in all the nations and have them make a feast worthy of gods and champions. President Donald Trump, in the same room in which a portrait of Abraham Lincoln is looking down upon him, presented a feast of fast food, consisting of McDonald's, Wendy's, Domino's pizza, and the like. He looked extremely proud of himself, talking about how he paid for the meal (a meal which even the most broke college student could probably afford every now and then) out of his own pocket during the government shutdown. And the college players, in the...