
Showing posts from March, 2019

Being Thankful vs. Being Satisfied

There's a quote that comes to mind from the inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Edison. "Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure." Now don't get me wrong, it can be really good to be thankful for what you have in life, whether it's your job, your home, or simply for the basics like food and oxygen. However, there is a huge difference between being thankful and being satisfied. I vividly remember reading the school newspaper once, either in middle or high school. One of the student reporters had written an article about the horrors of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Understandably I was saddened and horrified while reading this article, and hoped that at the end of said article there would be information about what to do to hopefully combat human trafficking. I was thinking that there would be information about signing petitions, writing to politici...

What Makes an Idea Good?

Early in the comedy film "Office Space," we see several characters talking about the drudgery of working in a jungle of cubicles. One of the older employees, who has been working in these types of companies for far longer than the protagonists that are in their twenties and thirties states, "You know there are people in this world that don't have to put up with all this shit?" He then goes on to state that the best way to escape working a 9-to-5 job would be to come up with a product and make a ton of money off of it. His perfect example of such a product is, of all things, the pet rock. One of the younger employees then says skeptically, "You think the pet rock was a really great idea?" And the veteran employee then says, "Sure it was. The guy made a million dollars." This scene made me think about, "What makes an idea great?" I suppose an idea which generates a lot of money for the inventor and investors could be co...