Previous Post # 1

Awhile ago I had actually started a previous blog titled "Thoughts and Shout-Outs of Justin Cecil." Ultimately I only wrote and published five articles for that blog. One of the main reasons I didn't keep up with that blog was the fact that I was also writing articles professionally for websites. Thus my focus was on those projects. Ultimately I was let go from writing for those websites back in 2016. I'm going to republish the articles I wrote for my previous blog on this one, and plan on deleting it once all of them are reposted. Here is the first one.

Original Title: My Journey of Self-Publishing so Far

Original Publication Date: September 24, 2014

Hello, my name is J.A. Cecil and I am now officially a professional writer and illustrator. Recently I wrote, edited, illustrated, and self-published my book, "Mele the Mermaid." In addition I've also written articles about Orlando travel for This has been a dream of mine, something that's been on my bucket list since I was a child learning to read. So far I've sold a total of six paperback copies of my book and one digital version on Kindle (so I have a while before I catch up to J.K Rowling or Stephen King). Most of my advertising has been through social media, although I'm thinking of other ways to advertise my book. Of course I'm also working on my next book too, along with other projects.

My goal for this blog is basically to have a forum for my thoughts and ideas, along with of course promoting my work. My plan at this point is to write at least one blog article per week, something which I see as more than doable. I've enjoyed writing Orlando travel articles for and plan to continue to do so, but since it's been almost three years since I have actually set foot in Florida I have been feeling semi-suffocated by the topic. With this blog along with self-publishing and writing I plan to write about other books I've been reading, films I see, maybe some of my life experiences, and whatever else happens to float my boat. I hope that you enjoy this blog and that you'll keep reading it.

Note: You can purchase my book "Mele the Mermaid" online.


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