Previous Post # 3

Original Title: Types of Coffee I Like

Original Publication Date: September 28, 2014

Growing up in Florida I wasn't much of a coffee drinker. Later on in life I moved to Israel for almost two years, volunteering as a gardener, where I feel in love with Arabic coffee. I currently live in the state of Washington, where Starbucks was created, and I have now become an official coffee drinker. Since writers often go to coffee houses to sit down and write, I thought that it would be an appropriate blog topic. Here are a few of the different types of coffee I often drink on a semi-regular or at least occasional basis.

1. AMPM Coffee - I usually end up getting the French Vanilla Cappuccino from the AMPM store, which is often found at local Arco gas stations. Sometimes I'll simply get a black coffee and add one of many varieties of cream to it (such as Irish Creme, French Vanilla, Hershey's, and more). What I like about AMPM is that one can get a punch card for their coffee; while it's relatively cheap in comparison to other coffees, once you buy five of them you get one for free! Also, Arco gas tends to be cheaper than other brands so that's a bonus.

2. Starbucks Drip Coffee - There have been a few times that I've gotten Frappucinos and other items from Starbucks, but I usually just get the black drip coffee (one of the cheapest things on the menu) and add some cream and sugar to it. It's pretty tasty, and oftentimes with my receipt I end up getting an invitation to take a survey online, which thus allows me to save a dollar every time I go there. I sometimes end up going here simply because there are literally two right next to where I work.

5. New Mexico Pinon Coffee - This is a beautiful blend of 100% Arabica Bean coffee that I discovered at Trader Joe's. I usually don't buy too many things at all from Trader Joe's due to their prices (although they do have wonderful free samples) but after trying this coffee I got a can for myself.

If you have any suggestions for other coffee brands me or any other readers might like, feel free to mention it in the comments section down below.


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