
Showing posts from August, 2018

A Couple of Random Thoughts and Recommendations

It's Saturday night after my shift at my day job and I've been rattling my brain trying to find a topic for this week's blog article. As I mentioned earlier part of my goal for this blog was to write an article per week. At the last minute I decided to simply write down a few random thoughts and recommendations. One of the recommendations is a recipe I tried recently, and the other are a couple of books. Enjoy! * * * I've always been a fan of food. I have always loved to eat and try new food (in fact during one of my previous jobs, which was as a writer for, I oftentimes wrote about food ). And while I can't say that I am the best cook, I do like to try new recipes and cook for people (although I don't see myself working as a chef in a restaurant; I prefer to cook for friends and family). Recently I tried out a brand new recipe. They're Greek yogurt pancakes , and they're probably one of the best new recipes I have tried in a long time. I m...

More Recommended Videos

In a previous post , I made a list of videos on youtube that I think should get more views online. This was inspired by finding out about a Guns N' Roses music video reaching over one billion views. Today I'm going to list a couple of more videos that I think should get a lot more views. 1. Adventures of Kool-Aid Man # 2 - Atop the Fourth Wall Current Views: 23,743 Linkara is a reviewer of comic books who has an ongoing show online called "Atop the Fourth Wall." He reviews comic books that are either mostly obscure or just plain bad or weird. In this particular episode Linkara discusses a limited edition comic book describing the epic adventures of the Kool-Aid Man, as he saves the day while both time traveling and camping (and yes, bursting thru walls while exclaiming "Oh Yeah!"). Linkara was not pleased by this comic to say the least. 2. The Incredibles - Ayn Rand and Objectivism - Renegade Cut Current Views: 37, 153 Leon Thomas doesn't ne...

Books I've Read Recently

"A book is a dream you hold in your hands." - Neil Gaiman I consider myself to be a pretty avid reader. I've enjoyed reading since I was a child, and no matter how busy I have been, I've always found the time to find something to read. Here are a few of the books I've read within the past few months that have stood out. 1. "2018 A.D. or The King Kong Blues" by Sam J. Lundwall (1975) I picked up this book at a used book store on a whim. It was written by a Swedish science fiction author and translator back in the 1970s. Since it's now the year 2018, I decided to see how this man's vision of the future held up. The book doesn't really have a protagonist per see, but has more of an ensemble cast. The characters include Anniki, the first girl born in the year 2000, a man working in advertising named Eric Lenning who is trying to find her to use in a cosmetics ad, his horrible boss, two men who run a Middle Eastern country, and more. Th...

Beginning my Journal Minimalism

In my previous post I mentioned how I started journaling as a child and have considered on and off on getting rid of them. Today, in my ongoing quest to becoming much more minimalistic, I have started getting rid of physical copies of said journals. I had the day off of work today and along with running a few errands, spent a large portion of my day at the local library. In addition to reading an entire book of poetry (Florence Welch's new book "Useless Magic" ) I started to scan some of my journals into a USB port. Throughout the day I scanned seven of my old journals (ranging from 2007 to 2011) one by one onto my USB port. Each journal became saved as a PDF file, and after each save I put each physical journal into the recycle can outside the library. Back at home I also saved the digitized journals onto my laptop, so I have two copies backing up each other. And in addition I organized more of my old journals, getting them ready to be digitized and recycled. I plan...