More Recommended Videos

In a previous post, I made a list of videos on youtube that I think should get more views online. This was inspired by finding out about a Guns N' Roses music video reaching over one billion views. Today I'm going to list a couple of more videos that I think should get a lot more views.

1. Adventures of Kool-Aid Man # 2 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Current Views: 23,743

Linkara is a reviewer of comic books who has an ongoing show online called "Atop the Fourth Wall." He reviews comic books that are either mostly obscure or just plain bad or weird. In this particular episode Linkara discusses a limited edition comic book describing the epic adventures of the Kool-Aid Man, as he saves the day while both time traveling and camping (and yes, bursting thru walls while exclaiming "Oh Yeah!"). Linkara was not pleased by this comic to say the least.

2. The Incredibles - Ayn Rand and Objectivism - Renegade Cut

Current Views: 37, 153

Leon Thomas doesn't necessarily review movies per se, but instead discusses the themes and philosophy behind certain films in his ongoing series Renegade Cut. Some of his videos include the themes of the films "Apocalypse Now," "Captain America: Civil War," "Kiki's Delivery Service," "Moonlight," and "Lord of the Rings." One of his more recent videos involves the PIXAR classic "The Incredibles" (which came out on youtube at about the same time as the sequel) and how it relates to the philosophy of Objectivism (a philosophy that Leon has stated he does not believe in).


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