Conversation Starter Answers

I try to write at least one blog article per week. My blog at this point doesn't really have much of a focus, or at least not one singular topic; typically I either write about past experiences or thoughts on films, books, or other pieces of pop culture I expose myself to. This week I decided to try something a little different. Oftentimes when I get together with my family we will answer conversation starter questions we find on our phones online. So for this blog article I will be answering a few conversation starter questions. They can all be found on

Question #1 - What was the last funny video you saw?

Answer #1 - One of my favorite podcasts is Word Funk, which is basically just three friends discussing things and their take on them. In their latest episode they discuss the antics of Kanye West, Star Trek, James Bond, and more.

Question # 2 - What was the last movie you watched? How was it?

Answer # 2 - This past Tuesday I went and saw A Star is Born at the theater. I absolutely loved it! I thought the acting between Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga was amazing. Loved the music. Probably one of the better times I've had at a movie theater in awhile. I haven't seen any of the previous versions of this film, although I might check them out at some point. 

Question # 3 - What was the last book you read?

Answer # 3 - The last book that was text only that I read was Small Fry, written by Lisa Brennan-Jobs. I actually wrote about it in a previous post. If comics and graphic novels were included in this question then the answer would be Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet, which I actually finished reading earlier today. 

Question # 4 - What is the worst restaurant you have ever eaten at?

Answer # 4 - 7/11.

Question # 5 - Have you ever travelled to any different countries? Which ones?

Answer # 5 - Yes. So far I have been to Israel (where I also lived and did volunteer work in for nearly two years), Cyprus, France, and Canada. 

Question # 6 - Where would you like to travel to next?

Answer # 6 - I have a long list of places I would love to travel to. I've thought about visiting Hawaii and/or Japan in the near future. 

Question # 7 - What are some goals you have already achieved?

Answer # 7 - Reached the rank of Eagle Scout, earned a Bachelor's degree, lived and worked abroad, worked at the Baha'i World Centre, and have written and published a book (my children's book Mele the Mermaid). 

Question # 8 - What do you think of buffets? 

Answer # 8 - Love them!

Question # 9 - Do you like classical music?

Answer # 9 - Yes. I would have to say that Strauss is my favorite classical composer. 

Question # 10 - What's the strangest movie you have ever seen?

Answer # 10 - Eraserhead, which was actually the first film David Lynch directed. 


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