More Conversation Starters

I found some more conversation starters, this time via Here are the questions and answers.

Question # 1 - Would you rather travel into the past to meet your ancestors, or travel into the future to meet your grandchildren?

Answer # 1 - I would rather go into the future to meet my grandchildren.

Question # 2 - Would you rather be considered totally weird and awkward, or average with no unique or special qualities?

Answer # 2 - I'd rather be totally weird and awkward with uniqueness and special qualities.

Question # 3 - If you had to teach a class for a day, what subject would be natural for you?

Answer # 3 - Film studies.

Question # 4 - If you could change your age, what age would you rather be and why?

Answer # 4 - Right now I am only thirty (will be thirty-one in a few weeks). I suppose if I had to change my age it would be somewhere in my early twenties. I've been told that I have barely aged within that timeframe (I guess I have good genes!). If I were to change my age it wouldn't really have much to do with looks. It's more like tweaking things, not really regrets per see but small things I might have done differently if I had to relive them.

Question # 5 - If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?

Answer # 5 - I would probably choose the guitar. I love the way it sounds, and one of my favorite musicians is Carlos Santana.

A very close second would be the violin.


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