Pride in Pizza?

A few days ago I took an online survey and made a little extra money. This particular survey was all about pizza brands, in particular Pizza Hut. I figured that this would be a good survey for me to take, being the foodie (and pizza lover) that I am; the organization that made this survey obviously could have used my help. While I was in the middle of taking the survey, one question in particular stood out.

"Do you take pride in eating at or ordering from Pizza Hut?"

I rolled my eyes when I read that question. Now, there wasn't a comments section for that question, but instead there was a yes or no scale. But if there was a comments section, my answer would have been along the lines of...

"No, I do not take pride in eating at or ordering from Pizza Hut. I greatly enjoy Pizza Hut, and will more than likely continue to eat their food and order from them in the future, but I do not take pride in ordering from a particular pizza chain. I don't necessarily think of ordering food (pizza or otherwise) from a particular restaurant, something to be proud of. Things I would consider worthy of taking pride in include (but certainly are not limited to) running and completing a marathon, writing a novel, serving in the Peace Corps, earning a Bachelor's degree, learning a new skill (i.e. playing the piano or a new language), earning a black belt in a martial art, raising children (who aren't spoiled sociopathic brats), saving someone's life, getting a promotion at a job, or owning and managing a business (perhaps even a franchise of Pizza Hut).

Still love your pizza though. It's just not something I'm proud of."


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